OSSD is known as the Ontario Secondary School Diploma, which is the academic diploma of the province of Ontario, Canada. OSSD is the world’s fourth largest international curriculum system, and the first in the non-test-based education system; fake OSSD transcript, it is renowned for its high-quality and rigorous teaching and learning management, and its process-based assessment of the talent cultivation model, and is the common diploma for students to enter the world’s universities.
How to get OSSD transcript online?
Ontario’s education philosophy is non-test-based, focusing on process and application. Ontario OSSD transcript, Therefore, the GPA for university application is made up of 70% of regular grades and 30% of final tests, which greatly reduces the pressure on students who have to take one exam for life.
The absence of a high school entrance exam is a major feature of the Ontario high school education system. Students are eligible to apply to universities in Canada as long as they successfully complete their high school program and obtain an Ontario Senior Secondary School Certificate (OSSC). How to get OSSD transcript, For Chinese students, OSSD has revolutionized the test-based education system, releasing students from the pressure of having to sit for a lifetime of exams. obtaining OSSD transcript, Students can apply directly to all universities in Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, and more than 800 universities in the United States with an average of six Grade 12 university preparation courses to meet all academic requirements, without the need for matriculation or any common entrance qualifying exams.