Established in 1993, the Australian Fitness Academy is an industry-leading fitness education provider. Australian Fitness Academy Certificate III, With many years of experience in developing and delivering nationally-recognized fitness qualifications, we pride ourselves on offering the highest standard of fitness courses in Australia.
Australian Fitness Academy is the career partner for Exercise Professionals. How to buy Australian Fitness Academy Certificate III, Initially, Certificates III & IV in Fitness enable graduates to enter the fitness industry as gym instructors and personal trainers. A diverse suite of professional development programs that enables professionals to hone their skills and knowledge and specialize in areas of interest.
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With a variety of delivery options and qualifications, Australian Fitness Academy is the first choice for Exercise Professionals.
The Academy works with a large range of organizations to help people through their fitness studies from Employment Service Providers to Secondary Schools, Sporting Clubs, and Fitness Centres. fake Australian Fitness Academy Certificate III, Over the years the Academy has built up a strong network of fitness industry relationships which help connect students to the industry through work placement and employment.